Yellow Cupcakes and Family

Father's Day has always been a very special holiday for me. While I love both of my parents very much, I've always had a special connection with my dad, as many daughters do. This year was extra special because we got to celebrate with my half-sister, Cassie, whom I had never met before. The day started out with everyone, I think, feeling a little wary, but that feeling quickly faded as we all fell into continuous laughter at each other's stories. Needless to say, it was a good day, made even better, by cupcakes. When I told Cassie I loved to bake we quickly decided to bake cupcakes while she was here. It took me a while to decide what we should bake, but I soon decided on yellow cupcakes. The recipe is slightly adapted from a favorite recipe of mine (found here ) for perfect yellow cake. It's absolutely wonderful, soft, melt-in-your-mouth, delicious cake, but I had never used it to make cupcakes. The baking itself isn't difficult. The recipe does call f...